Will Rollins

Will Rollins



Born: 1984 (age 39 years)
Party: Democratic Party
Candidate for: 2024 United States House of Representatives elections in California
Previous campaign: US House Elections in California, 2022

OnAir Post: Will Rollins


Six California House races that could help determine control of Congress
Los Angeles Times, Julia WickApril 26, 2024

California House Districts 13, 22, 27, 41, 45, and 47.

Over 2,000 miles west of the nation’s Capitol, the battle for control of the House of Representatives in 2025 is being waged in farmland along Highway 99, fast-growing commuter communities north and east of Los Angeles and Orange County beach towns and inland suburbs.

While Republicans currently have a razor-thin majority in the House, partisan makeup of next year’s Congress will almost certainly be decided this November — at least in part — by a handful of hypercompetitive California races.

California “is, along with New York, one of the two most important paths to potential Democratic control of the House,” said Dave Wasserman, senior editor and elections analyst for the nonpartisan Cook Political Report.


Source: Campaign page


He began tackling injustice as an Assistant U.S. Attorney, protecting the public from white-collar criminals, including a Ponzi scheme organizer who defrauded dozens of seniors out of their retirement savings, as well as a corrupt physician who sold opiates for cash. Will later joined the Terrorism and Export Crimes Section of the National Security Division, where he prosecuted an electrical engineer for conspiring to send microchips with missile guidance applications to China, Iranian nationals for violating U.S. sanctions on Tehran, a reported QAnon follower for an attack at the Port of Los Angeles, and some of the insurrectionists who attacked the US Capitol on January 6th.

Will’s grandparents met while serving together during World War II, moved to Southern California, and started a small business that still operates today, manufacturing parts for U.S. fighter jets and commercial aircraft.

Growing up, Will saw the effects of government-sponsored discrimination on all Americans, our economy, and our national security. At a time when being gay was literally a crime in some states, Will considered enlisting in the military after 9/11, but did not want to be outed or discharged under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

Instead, Will found a path to counterterrorism in law enforcement. Will’s mother and father, a public defender and journalist, respectively, stressed the importance of justice and free speech at a young age. His parents taught him that although the system may not be perfect, every generation has a responsibility to improve it. With this lesson in mind, Will is running for Congress to serve the 41st district of California and bring justice and accountability back to Washington.



Today, our politics are too often dominated by extremism. Fringe politicians wake up each day plotting how to get the most clicks online, the most cable news segments, and the most dollars raised — no matter the implications on public policy or how your family might be affected. It’s dangerous and it’s led to various forms of extremism, including insurrections, mass shootings, targeted acts of hate, and perpetually bad policy agendas.

I have been on the front lines in the fight against extremism, helping to prosecute those who attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6th and QAnon conspiracy theorists. Now, I’m running for Congress to root out the extremism in our politics and help get our government back towards delivering results to help working families, not selling them out to drive clicks and campaign cash.

Americans need to start working together to tackle the big issues of our generation: including improving access to affordable health care, protecting women’s reproductive rights, bringing down costs for hard working Californians, protecting our planet and rooting out corruption in Washington. Check out my policy positions below on how we’re going to move past the extremism and take on these challenges to move our communities forward.


Source: Campaign page

Fighting for Seniors

Riverside County, and especially the Coachella Valley, is home to many retirees and seniors. As your Congressman, I will fight to protect and expand Medicare and Social Security from Republican attempts to cut funding for these programs for our seniors.

My opponent Ken Calvert praised a plan to privatize Social Security and voted to raise the retirement age, which would cut benefits for seniors. He voted to gut Medicare by turning it into a voucher-like program that could cost seniors more out of pocket. He has repeatedly voted against allowing Medicare to negotiate with the drug companies to lower drug costs for seniors and he voted against capping insulin costs at $35 per month for seniors.

I will prioritize legislation that supports seniors in Riverside County.

Supporting Seniors

  • Strengthen retirement income security by increasing Social Security benefits for all beneficiaries;
  • Reduce prescription drug costs for seniors by protecting the ability of Medicare to negotiate for lower prices and expanding that ability to more drugs;
  • Lower the Medicare eligibility age and expand Medicare dental, vision, and hearing benefits to help older Americans gain access to these important services;
  • Ensure the Department of Veterans Affairs has the resources to provide the highest-quality medical care and support to our veterans;
  • Expand Medicaid home- and community-based services in order to help seniors and others in need of long-term care services remain in their homes and communities; and

Protecting Reproductive Freedom

I believe reproductive freedom is deeply personal and should be a protected right. Women and their loved ones should not have this fundamental freedom subjected to the whim of politicians who happen to be in office or courts that do not honor a woman’s right to make decisions about her family. Women’s freedom should be permanent, not put at risk with each election cycle.

I oppose legislation that limits in-vitro fertilization (IVF). This important family planning right provides California families the gift of more than 11,500 pregnancies each year. We must protect this freedom.

I also support a woman’s right to choose whether an abortion is in her best interest. Since the Supreme Court in 2022 overturned Roe v. Wade and took away the freedom of women to make their own reproductive healthcare decisions that they had held for generations, we must pass legislation restoring Roe v. Wade into law at the federal level. With the new IVF ruling in Alabama, we see clearly that what’s at risk is more than abortion rights. It’s about a woman’s right to make an informed decision about her own health.

Overturning Roe v Wade opened the floodgates for the far right to pass whatever measures they can to take away the right to an abortion or other family planning measures, like IVF.

We didn’t get here by accident. This was a coordinated, well-funded, decades-long effort by anti-abortion, anti-women’s rights politicians. My opponent Ken Calvert has been part of this attack for 30 years: he supported the court’s overturn of Roe, believes rapists should be able to sue doctors who provide abortions to victims of incest, and voted against bipartisan legislation to make it illegal to barricade abortion clinics.
This attack on reproductive rights will not end with the Supreme Court’s decision. We have already seen this. We must work together to protect everyone’s freedom to control their own bodies:

  • We must pass the Women’s Health Protection Act into law to restore the Roe v. Wade protections that guarantee women the freedom to make their own decisions about their own bodies.
  • The federal government must ensure access to medication abortion, the most common method of abortion, and which already has FDA approval.
  • The FDA must take immediate steps to loosen constraints on medication abortion that experts already agree are unnecessary.
  • The Department of Justice must protect the rights of people who travel across states to access abortions, ensuring they are not criminally prosecuted upon returning to home states where services are prohibited.
  • We must pass legislation protecting the right to birth control.
  • We must ensure that anti-IVF legislation – currently in place in one state – does not become national law.

Funding for Transportation and Infrastructure

If you’ve sat in traffic on the 91, the 10, the 15, or the 215, you know the dire need for increased infrastructure funding for the Inland Empire and Coachella Valley. Our current representative, Ken Calvert, voted against the bipartisan infrastructure law that will provide millions of dollars for local transportation and infrastructure projects, such as the I-15 corridor project in Corona and the $12 million needed to widen Bundy Road in Menifee.

Our communities deserve a fair share of federal support to fully fund the transportation and water infrastructure projects we need for efficient travel, business growth, and clean and reliable water. Unlike Ken Calvert, I would have proudly supported the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to bring critical investments home to California. Fortunately, that bill passed into law supported by both Republicans and Democrats and is already bringing valuable funding to our District, such as:

  • $60 million to the Coachella Valley Water District for irrigation canal improvements – a project that will help our local farmers;
  • $100 million in investments to improve I-10;
  • $17 million to the Palm Springs International Airport for improvements to support growth in air travel for our region.

This legislation should be the start, not the end, of our investments in our infrastructure. I’ll continue to push for investments that will improve our economy, help businesses grow, and bolster our quality of life here in Riverside County.

Protect Our Democracy: Accountability for Disinformation

Extremists, Big Tech, and media outlets are profiting by spreading division based on lies, even as they erode our democracy and make it easier for adversaries like China and Russia to exploit us. But I have a specific plan to hold these actors accountable:

  • Update regulations to break down information bubbles and propaganda networks to protect the public’s right to be informed
  • Require more transparency in advertising, so that we know whether what we’re consuming online was written by a human or a Russian bot.
  • Create accountability for harmful lies and conspiracy theories amplified by Big Tech.

Just like any other business, tech companies should not have blanket immunity when their own software amplifies violence, lies, threats, and foreign disinformation that cause economic and physical harm to the American people. We should also reform and update regulations in order to break down information bubbles and propaganda so that actual facts – instead of brainwashing – reach the public. That means requiring big tech, cable news, and talk radio to provide transparency in advertising, and to create a framework – a modern fairness doctrine – that will incentivize the presentation of multiple views on issues of public importance.

America’s enemies seek to divide us. After January 6, Russia, Iran, and China reportedly tried to capitalize on American divisions by exploiting U.S. social media platforms and spreading hate. By updating our disclosure rules and strengthening our cyber defenses against foreign adversaries that try to exploit our own technology, we can strengthen our democracy. America must also require political candidates to report any offers of foreign government assistance to the FBI, and Congress should criminalize offers of mutual aid between presidential campaigns and foreign governments.

Lowering Taxes and Costs on Working Families

I want to lower taxes on the middle class families who actually live in Riverside County, where the median income is around $70,000 per year. We do that by ensuring the billionaires who have been protected by my opponent Ken Calvert over the last 30 years actually pay their fair share: The 400 richest Americans – all billionaires – hold more wealth than 60% of the country put together – that’s more than 150 million Americans combined. Those 400 households pay an average of just 8.2% per year in federal income taxes, while the rest of us pay significantly more.

Yet Calvert voted to give billions in tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy and corporations shipping jobs and profits overseas, while raising taxes over the long term on working families here in Riverside County.

We need leaders who care more about delivering for working families in Riverside Countythan for massive corporations and the ultra-wealthy. Only 38% of jobs in the Inland Empire provide a living wage. Nurses, teachers, firefighters and police officers should not be paying higher federal income tax rates than billionaires. Small business owners shouldn’t have higher tax bills than Amazon, which often pays no federal income taxes.

What we need:

  • Tax relief for middle and working class families and small business by reforming our tax structure to ensure that the wealthiest individuals and large corporations pay their fair share of taxes;
  • An end to the price-gouging inflicted on average Americans by massive corporate monopolies, and a stronger antitrust division at DOJ;
  • Action to combat inflation and economic pressures resulting from the pandemic and breakdowns in supply chains;
    Elimination of incentives corporations use to outsource jobs and profits overseas, and ensure that they pay the same tax rate on their offshore profits as they pay on U.S. profits;
  • An increase in the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour, including indexing to parity for tipped workers;
  • Legislation to require an employer contribution to employees’ 401(k) accounts

Taking Action on Climate Change, Safeguarding Water Resources and the Environment

Climate change is an existential threat that is already damaging our health, communities, and economy. We are living through severe droughts, heat, water shortages, and more intense storms and wildfires. In Riverside County, and throughout California, two years of wet winters have provided temporary relief from drought but this water must be used efficiently to extend the supply. Record hot temperatures put many people at risk, especially those working outdoors and without access to cooling. The impact of climate change will increasingly affect tourism, construction, agriculture, and other sectors of our economy. This is why I support taking bold and decisive action on climate change.

This action isn’t just needed to protect our communities – it’s also an opportunity to create a powerful clean energy economy that will create good jobs at good wages for decades. Here in Riverside County we have abundant sunshine and clean energy potential, and we must work to make our region a global leader in clean energy production and water efficiency.

My opponent Ken Calvert has consistently voted against climate change and environmental protection legislation. He’s even suggested that climate change is a hoax. We need a representative in Congress who isn’t funded by the oil and gas industry and is willing to protect our planet.

A Clean Energy Agenda

Here are my priorities to address climate change and invest in the green economy:

  • Increase incentives to expand clean energy such as solar and wind power to significantly reduce U.S. carbon emissions;
  • Support energy efficiency programs to help families and businesses save on their electric bills;
  • Invest in better water infrastructure, conservation and management to support the needs of the Coachella Valley and Inland Empire;
  • Back policies and legislation to reduce air and water pollution, especially in disadvantaged communities that suffer the most from pollution;
  • Provide rebates to consumers to make clean energy and clean vehicles affordable and reduce overall gasoline consumption.

Green Economy Jobs

Riverside County has the opportunity to develop thousands of jobs in our expanding green energy economy. With the right tax incentives to encourage small, clean-tech businesses to start in the Inland Empire and Coachella Valley – and investment in major infrastructure projects across Riverside County – we can grow our economy, improve public transit, and protect the planet all at the same time.

Expanding Access to Affordable Healthcare

I believe that healthcare is a human right, and that all Americans should have access to affordable, quality healthcare. We also need to support our nurses, doctors and other professionals working to provide quality care in Riverside County.

My opponent Ken Calvert has consistently voted to make healthcare more expensive and harder to get. He repeatedly voted to eliminate protections for Americans with pre-existing health conditions so his insurance industry donors could make larger profits by denying them care. He voted against capping the cost of insulin used to treat people with diabetes at $35 a month. And he voted against holding drug companies accountable for price gouging and against bringing generic drugs to market sooner at lower prices.

We need a leader who will actually fight to lower costs and increase access and quality of care for working families – not vote to increase the profits of his insurance and drug industry donors.

Healthcare Priorities:

  • Expand access to affordable, quality health insurance through the Affordable Care Act;
  • Lower the Medicare eligibility age and protect and expand the ability of Medicare to negotiate with drug companies over more drugs to lower costs;
  • Cap insulin costs at $35 a month for all Californians and bring generic drugs to market sooner at lower costs;
  • Support healthcare policies that reform our broken healthcare systems to prioritize people over price-gouging insurance corporations;
  • Oppose Republican efforts to cut funding for Medicare and Medicaid and to privatize these vital programs;
  • Support efforts to strengthen and expand Medicaid home- and community-based services in order to help seniors and others in need of long-term care services remain in their homes and communities;
  • Support price transparency efforts to ensure healthcare providers charge fair rates for the same procedure.

We need to address racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare, particularly in our lower-income Black, Latino, and Native American communities. We should expand the In Home Supportive Services program, recruit and retain more caregivers and dedicate the funding necessary to provide our seniors and disabled with in-home care. Those who opt for care in nursing homes or similar settings should get quality care, with high standards for staffing and safety.

Improving our Public Education

I’m a proud graduate of California public schools and am grateful to the teachers who supported my learning, growth, and development. I will always advocate for our public education system to ensure all our students, no matter their family income, have access to great schools and teachers. We owe this to all parents and kids.

My opponent Ken Calvert has been in office for three decades, but only about one in five adults aged 25 and older hold a bachelor’s degree or higher in the Inland Empire, compared to nearly one in three statewide. And we do not have enough job training and apprenticeship programs to support those who do not need or wish to go to college. But again and again, Ken Calvert has voted against federal funding for education in Riverside County.

Any government budget is a reflection of its priorities. We need to send federal representatives to Congress who are going to prioritize strengthening our public education system and expanding opportunities for all kids in Riverside County.

Education Priorities:

  • Expand access to high-quality early childhood education;
  • Expand student loan forgiveness;
  • Invest in K-12 public schools with wraparound support to better serve students from low-income families;
  • Keep schools gun-free zones and make them safer from violence;
  • Ensure every school has a mental health professional;
  • Increase funding for career and technical education programs to better meet the employment needs of Riverside County; and
  • Make community college tuition-free, college more affordable for all students and offer student debt relief to college graduates.

We have an opportunity to improve public education in Riverside by supporting all families and students and schools and teachers. When we succeed, our young people can thrive in jobs in healthcare, technology, agriculture, green energy, tourism and careers in the military, and contribute to the growth and well-being of our communities and country.

Securing LGBTQ Rights and Equality

My partner Paolo and I came of age when being gay was still a crime in many states, homophobia was pervasive, same-sex marriage was illegal and LGBTQ people were not allowed to serve openly in the military. When elected to Congress, I will be a strong champion of equality and LGBTQ rights for all Americans.

My opponent Ken Calvert can’t be trusted to support the LGBTQ community. He has a 30-year track record of opposing gay rights. He voted against the Matthew Shephard Hate Crimes Bill, sought to ban gay marriage in California, voted against repealing the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy and voted against providing LGBTQ people with comprehensive protections against discrimination. In fact, the Human Rights Campaign has given him a “zero” rating for his terrible lack of support of LGBTQ issues.

He has voted to allow employers to continue to fire people for being gay, and to allow landlords to continue to evict tenants for being gay. He also joined the lawsuit to overturn Roe, which eviscerated women’s equality and put countless other decisions protecting LGBTQ rights at risk. We cannot trust him with basic human rights.

My Equality and LGBTQ Commitments:

  • Support passage of the Equality Act, which would prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, healthcare, education and public accommodations;
  • Protect the right to same-sex marriage that is under threat from a conservative Supreme Court that recently stripped women of their reproductive rights;
  • Support increased funding for HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment and research;
  • Support a comprehensive federal response to address anti-transgender discrimination; and
  • Oppose efforts that allow individuals to use private religious beliefs to discriminate against LGBTQ people in the public sphere.

It is time for Riverside County to have a congressional representative who will work to secure full LGBTQ rights and protections. Our country, economy, military and society is strongest when all of our citizens are protected from discrimination and have an equal opportunity to contribute, succeed and thrive.

Reforming Immigration

We need comprehensive immigration reform that will secure our country’s borders, create a modern immigration system that reflects American values, provide a pathway to citizenship for qualified immigrants, and support the labor needs of businesses in Riverside County and the U.S.

People who immigrate to our country want a better life for their families, and they’re willing to work hard and do jobs that many Americans don’t want to do. Separating children from their parents at the border was un-American, wrong and a stain on our country. My opponent Ken Calvert has had 30 years in Congress to try to fix our broken immigration system, including when Trump and Republicans had complete control of the government. Sadly, he would rather spew anti-immigrant rhetoric than come up with long-term solutions.

The United States must reform its broken immigration system by focusing on temporary work permits, payment of taxes, securing the border, and a just and legal path to citizenship for DREAMers and so many others who are contributing to our communities, our economy, and our country.

Safeguarding Voting Rights

Our right to vote is fundamental to the health of our democracy. Sadly, partisan interests in too many states are enacting new laws to restrict voting access, often to suppress minority voters. This is why I support the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. These bills will protect and strengthen voting rights, reduce the influence of money in politics and ban partisan gerrymandering.

My opponent Ken Calvert voted against these important and sensible protections for voting rights. He believes the “Big Lie” that led Trump supporters to storm the U.S. Capitol in a violent attempt to overturn the results of the election and throw our democracy into chaos. More than 140 police officers were injured in this attempted insurrection. Yet Calvert responded by following through on the demands of insurrectionists and voting to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Register Here and Make Your Vote Count! 

Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th, 2024!

Preventing Gun Violence

I respect the Second Amendment and the ability of law-abiding, responsible gun owners to hunt and target shoot. I will also always stand up for common sense gun safety laws that help save lives. As a federal prosecutor who worked on cases involving gun violence, I’m committed to basic rules that will encourage gun discipline and keep firearms out of the hands of violent and dangerous people.

Unfortunately for those of us who live in California’s 41st Congressional District, my opponent Ken Calvert is funded by the gun lobby, having received more NRA campaign money than any other California congressperson from 1998 to 2016.

The truth is that gun safety laws don’t infringe on the rights of law-abiding folks, but they do help reduce gun violence. That’s why I’m ready to enact the changes that the vast majority of Americans demand immediately, including:

  • Basic violent history checks for all firearm purchases;
  • Federal red flag laws, which would enable federal law enforcement agencies to keep guns away from domestic abusers and people who threaten to commit mass shootings and other acts of violence;
  • Safe gun storage rules, for the owner’s protection and the safety of any children in the home;
  • Bans on large-capacity magazines; and
  • Raising the minimum age for certain gun purchases to 21.

Protecting Public Safety and Investing In Criminal Justice Reform

As someone who has worked in law enforcement, I support the valuable roles of our police, first responders and federal officials in protecting our homes, businesses and communities. I do not support efforts to defund the police; in fact, given the rise in crime, we need to make sure our local police forces have the resources they need to keep us safe. Meaningful reform of our criminal justice system, however, is necessary. We need to ensure practices and policies are in place to prioritize public safety, fairness and equal justice.

My opponent Ken Calvert claims that he supports law enforcement even though he voted against additional federal funding for our local police departments in Riverside County. Then he voted for $10 billion in cuts to law enforcement that could have resulted in the loss of nearly 30,000 sworn law enforcement officers and thousands of fewer prosecutors.

Similarly, after 140 police officers were injured at the January 6th insurrection, Calvert voted to decertify the results of the 2020 presidential election and then went on to say that charges should be dropped against the insurrectionists. More recently, Calvert impugned our nation’s top law enforcement agencies without any evidence, writing: “All of us should be extremely concerned about what is happening to institutions – the DOJ and FBI – that must be above reproach. Should House Republicans regain the Majority, it will be incumbent upon us investigate to [sic] and root out the rot that has infiltrated these agencies.” His words are both disgraceful and dangerous, and threaten the safety of the men and women working to investigate domestic terrorism, cyber-crimes and foreign interference in our elections.

At the Justice Department, I focused on counterterrorism and counterintelligence cases in Southern California. When I helped respond to the attack on the U.S. Capitol last year, I saw firsthand how conspiracy theories and lies turned to violence. I left my job at DOJ to challenge an entrenched incumbent who helped spread those lies.


  • Keep handguns and assault rifles away from felons and others who pose a threat to the community by requiring basic violent history checks for all firearm purchases, implementing red flag laws and banning high-capacity magazines.
  • Support adequate federal funding for the Departments of Justice, HHS and other agencies aimed at preventing, investigating and prosecuting violent crimes, including the rising number of hate crimes against the LGBTQ+ community, religious minorities and communities of color.
  • Strengthen federal, state, and local law enforcement task forces that target violent gang crime and white-collar fraud rather than nonviolent, low-level drug offenses.
  • Work to establish independent oversight and accountability for law enforcement misconduct, enhance transparency and data collection, and establish best practices and training requirements to keep both our communities and officers safe.

Stepping Up for Veterans & Servicemembers

I became a national security and terrorism prosecutor because of 9-11. I wanted to help keep America safe. As someone who has worked on cases involving corruption, terrorism and threats from China and Iran, I know how important it is to support our veterans and service members. These courageous men and women put their lives on the line to protect us.

We have 120,000 veterans living in Riverside County, the third-largest veteran population in California. Sadly, in Riverside County, the rate of veterans who have diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure is considerably higher than the general population, and almost one in three veterans under the age of 40 are unemployed. We need to help get veterans onto insurance plans and create additional tax incentives for employers to hire veterans who’ve given the country so much only to come home without a job.

Support for Veterans and Service Members:

  • Ensure the Department of Veterans Affairs has the resources to provide the highest-quality medical care and support to our veterans;
  • Address the mental health challenges faced by many veterans, especially reducing suicides among veterans;
  • Expand veterans’ access to continuing education, vocational and job training, including the excellent programs offered to veterans and service members at UC Riverside; and
  • Ensure that our military is the best-trained and equipped in the world, ready to win on every necessary battlefield.

The attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 was a stain on our country’s history, and it is the reason I decided to run for Congress. My opponent Ken Calvert believes former President Trump’s “big lie.” Rep. Calvert’s refusal to stand up to President Trump when he tried to extort Ukraine by withholding the weapons they needed to fight Russia is shameful and unpatriotic. We need leaders in Congress who will confront threats to democracy at home and prepare our country from adversaries like Russia and China.

Some additional facts about Ken Calvert’s record:

  • Calvert voted to overturn the 2020 election results.
  • Calvert said he hoped that charges would be dropped against January 6th insurrectionists.
  • In March, Calvert voted against the PACT Act before later reversing himself.
  • Calvert voted for billions in cuts to veterans healthcare that could eliminate up to 30 million veteran outpatient visits
  • Also in the 117th Congress, Calvert attacked the right of servicemembers to access abortion and veterans’ rights to birth control coverage.
  • Calvert has a staunch anti-LGBTQ record, which includes voting against the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and backing Trump’s ban on transgender servicemembers.

Championing Campaign Finance Reform

Middle-class families’ voices are being left out of the political process. Powerful special interest groups with unlimited amounts of money are undermining our democracy. Americans are tired of the partisan dysfunction and the corrupting influence of money in politics. I will work every day to stand up for working families in CA-41. Our campaign is powered by people, not corporate interests and lobbyists. This is why I am refusing corporate PAC money in this campaign.

My opponent Ken Calvert spent his career creating a tax system that punishes people who work for a living and allows the wealthiest 400 families in the United States – and many of his corporate donors – to avoid most taxes. His campaigns have raked in hundreds of thousands of dollars from the oil and gas industries and the NRA. No wonder Calvert voted against the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022 – the first major gun violence prevention act signed into law in decades. He also voted against legislation that regulated online campaign ads and foreign involvement in elections – important safeguards for protecting the integrity of our elections.


  • Support pro-democracy reforms to limit the influence of dark money in elections;
  • Ban all members of Congress from trading stocks, and require elected officials to keep assets in blind trusts;
  • Strengthen criminal penalties for members of Congress and other elected officials who make stock trades or investments based on inside information;
  • Pass legislation to root out the disproportionate influence of corporations and wealthy donors in elections, including an eventual Constitutional amendment to stop the corrosive impact of Citizens United.

I look forward to fighting for real campaign finance reform in Congress and ensuring that our democracy is responsible to working families and not large corporations or special interest groups.



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